Directory of the Portuguese Businesses in the UK

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Companies starting with R

Rocha Consultancy

Rocha Consultancy

London, SW11 5QL, 07868 697 778 / 020 3602 8915

Unit 35, Battersea Business Centre, 99-109 Lavender Hill
Battersea / Clapham Junction
  • Especialistas no apoio à Hotelaria e Restauração nas áreas da legislação, formação, cursos, inspecção, projecto, licenças e procedimentos de segurança alimentar (SFBB ou HACCP).
  • Specialists for the Catering Industry dealing with Legislation, Training, Kitchen Inspections, Planning, Premises licenses and Food Safety Procedures (SFBB or HACCP).

Ramos Catarino

London , WC2H 9JQ , 020 7470 8707

Garden Studios - 71-75 Shelton Street
Covent Garden

Real Fotografia

London, 020 8646 6113

Red Driving School

London, 078 2848 6151

Ricardo Driving School

London, 079 0440 5804

Richards Catering Agency

W1F 8SG, 020 7439 4526

1st Floor, 46 Berwick Street
Oxford Circus, Soho, Tottenham Court Road

Rico Sandwich Bar and Coffee Shop

Mansfield, NG18 2NS, 07466 518 952

Shop 3, 31 Pecks Hill

Robert Lomer

London, W2 3RL, 020 7727 1884

74 Queensway

Rolls Uk Gourmet

London, SW16 6NA, 07807 205 669

Mitcham Lane

Rosa's Unisex

London, W10 5PF, 020 8969 0309

26 Golborne Road
Westbourne Park, North Kensington

RS Constructions

078 1806 1044

Rui Canário

London, 077 4700 3291

Ryans Driving School

London, 078 3193 1539